interstellar movie review poster

The majority of science fiction movies end in a clip hanger leaving the audience with a bucket of questions. It's up to the producer's whether to make space for another few movies to follow up, Christopher Nolan did the same trick with the Interstellar.

Clip Hanger?

In the movie Interstellar, Nolan didn’t leave much room for the audience to think at the end, He just ended the movie but some people argue that the story can be carried out to where Cooper goes to rescue Dr. Brand from Edmund's planet, but I think Nolan includes that part to just show the bond and the friendship developed among Cooper and Brand. Personally, I don't think there's that much left for another movie since he's going to save Dr. Brand without much trouble considering the resources he has.

Most famous movie reviewers say that the movie shouldn't have gone past the 'Cooper in the blackhole scene' most of them taught that was a good point to end the story leaving enough details to clarify what's going to happen next. So that people can argue that scene for years.

So if you say YES in the above poll think about what would happen in Nolan actually ended the movie in that particular scene? The world would go crazy figuring out what is the next possible outcome of the movie and people will build up different theories questioning  What happens to Dr. Brand? , Is there any timeline differences between Cooper and Brand? , Will they meet ever? go with the story.

5 Dimensional Space

If we look at this scene from a scientific point just going into the Black Hole and being alive is already unbelievable because out of every study done about the black holes and it's nature, scientist's know one thing for sure that it's almost impossible to travel through a Black Hole alive. Check below article for the scientific view of Black Hole traveling

The audience likes it when they have given the control of the ending because they can end the story however they want, That could be the main reason Interstellar's ending was criticized a lot. Nolan hasn't given any room to the audience to control the ending. 

So if you say NO what would be the best ending that Nolan also failed in delivering? So go Crazy and create the best idea and be the next Nolan.

So my personal view is I like this ending and I think it's a good ending.

So Thank You for reading this article so wants to know about Christopher Nolan's upcoming new movie TENET and read my article Prequel to Tenet

Tenet movie poster