
Hi Everyone, My name is Nick Max and I'm an undergraduate located in Sri Lanka who enjoys watching movies and tv-shows and looking deep into the mechanics and cinematics techniques used by the creators in those. This is my website "Cinematography" where I talk about Movies and tv-shows and the technical aspects of (Cinematography) them.  


Content I post here mainly based on my experience and the knowledge I gained through watching movies and tv-shows but I watch lots of them, so it only makes it here if the story or the production of that story is good enough to write about it.

Another type of content is the latest news in the movie industry that relates to what I talk here, generally (Cinematography) and I don't post lots of them because mainly this website doesn't serve as a news portal.

You can find the Cinematography website's Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions documents in these pages.

Contact me

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Name: Nick Max

All the opinions (Articles) I published here are my personal view and I get it that some of you may agree and others may disagree. So feel free to criticize me in the comment section and write to me about any ideas you feel I should talk about in my website (

Team Cinematography,
Nick Max